If Atlantis did exist, it challenges our understanding of the history of humanity, and of the rich varieties of ethnicities that have emerged throughout time. In this article we are going to look at the question: What ethnicity were the Atlanteans?
Atlantis was ethnically a blend of humans native to the Atlantic Ocean region, mixed with off-world beings. Their descendants spread to the Sudan and China, and then to Central America and Egypt, where they blended with indigenous Egyptians and a tribe from the Carpathians, becoming the Coptic Christians.
When the Atlanteans moved to Central America they blended with the local groups there as well, bringing their technology and spiritual understandings, forming the advanced Mayan civilization.

Where the Atlanteans Came From
Attempting to trace the origins of the Atlanteans, we quickly find ourselves in a discussion beyond our understanding of ethnicity. Theories as to where the Atlanteans came from are divided into two groups: Some say they came from a God having children with a mortal woman, while others believe that the Atlanteans came from extraterrestrial origins.
In Greek mythology, Poseidon the god of the sea fell in love with Cleito, a mortal girl, and their children became the Atlanteans. Poseidon is portrayed as having a large beard, and the way he is appeared in ancient Greek literature, he appears to be from the Hebrew, Aryan, Phoencian, Greek, and Cushite group of ethnicities.
This god creature appears again in Roman mythology as Neptune, and is appeared in the same manner, a muscular bearded man holy a trident. However, this god figure also appears in other cultures, such as Babylon and Egyptian, and in their literature is portrayed as much more a reflection of their own ethnicity.

Poseidon’s wife Cleito, who responsible for 50% of the genetics of Atlantis according to the Greek myths, was native to an island in the Atlantic Ocean, although the structure of the continents was different back then. According to the research of Ignatius Donnelly, who’s book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World is considered a classic on the subject of Atlantis, parts of the land mass that was Atlantis are still above sea-level, and make up parts of various modern-day countries.
Donnelly includes islands off the coast of Portugal and small Mediterranean islands that are part of Greece amongst the modern-day places that were once part of Atlantis, potentially making Cleito an ancient ancestor of these people. You can read more about Ignatius Donnelly’s ideas about Atlantis here.
Off-World Origins of the Atlanteans
A review of the most acclaimed literature on off-world origins of the Atlanteans do shed light on the matter. According to Helena Blavatsky in the Secret Doctrine, the Atlanteans were the fourth of seven root races. She describes the Atlanteans as being a distinctly different group of beings from the other races.
One race that was distinct from the Atlanteans was the Hyperboreans, who live in northern regions that are now part of Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, and northern Asia. Another race was called the Lemurians, and their descendants continue to live in Africa, Southern India, and the East Indies.
She also describes another group called the Aryans which descended from the Atlanteans 100 000 years ago, and moved to the Sahara, which was lush jungle at the time, and then eventually to the Gobi dessert. Which is located in Mongolia and northern China. They built the “City of the Bridge” which connects with the city of Shambhala in the fourth dimension. Read more about Shambhala here.

According her Blavatsky’s classifications of different groups of beings incarnating on earth, the Atlanteans were distinct from two other groups, one that lived near the north pole, and the other that was in what is now the parts of Africa and the Est Indies such as southern India, and Indonesia. Around 100 000 years ago the Aryans left Atlantis and moved to what is now Mongolia and China.
The Descendants of Atlantis in Egypt
In terms of developing a concept of the ethnicity of the Atlanteans, perhaps it is more fruitful to look at the potentially descendants of Atlantis, and then start to get an idea of the physical appearance, and cultural characteristics of the Atlanteans.
According to western esoteric tradition, the incredible culture of Egypt rapidly arose when the Atlantanteans moved there and began rebuilding their culture. The psychic readings of Edgar Cayce, who claimed that he himself was an important character in the Atlantean migration to Egypt in a past life, goes into great detail on this subject.
Right away the end of Atlantis, Egypt was conquered by tribe from what is now Eastern Europe. As the ancient civilization of Egypt began, it was made up of three different ethnicities: The local Egyptians, the invading tribe from the Carpathian Mountains, and the Atlanteans.
According to Cayce, the three groups intermingled, led by a priest named Ra-Ta, a member of the invading tribe. The Atlanteans possessed technology vastly more advanced than the other groups. Many people had animal appendages at this time, facilities were setup to remove them from the bodies of citizens, as well as giving them spiritual treatments to connect them with spirit. Read more about Ra-Ta’s leadership in ancient Egypt here.
Even according to mainstream Egyptology, there is controversy as to the ethnicity of the ancient Egyptians. Although if the readings of Cayce are true, they were 1/3rd Atlantean. Many scholars believe that ancient Egyptians had a mix of appearances, ranging in skin tone from white to brown to black.
It is believed that the Coptic Christians, an ethnic group native to Egypt and Sudan, are the direct descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.
The Atlantean Descendants of Central America
According to legend, the Atlanteans migrated to Central America after their continent sank. Prior to the destruction, they were already in contact with the local inhabitants of people indigenous to South America, trading and mixing blood to some extent.
Studying the myths of the Toltecs, Aztecs, and Mayans reveal similarities to those of the Hebrew and Greek people of the Mediterranean, suggesting a possible connection between them in ancient history.

The Mayans in particular display treats of possessing advanced spiritual understandings like the Atlanteans have been described as having. In particular, the Mayan astrology is the most sophisticated the world has seen.
Also, the Mayans seemingly disappeared around the 8th century, abandoning their cities with no trace, perhaps demonstrating an understanding of shifting dimensions like the Atlanteans had.
Theories that the Atlanteans were Nordic supermen were popular in the early 20th century
Another part of the discussion that should be included in regards to Atlantis and ethnicity, are the theories that arose out of the late 19th century and early 20th century.
German occult movements, which led to the eventual rise of the Nazi party, were keenly interested in Atlantis. They believed that Atlantis were a “Nordic-Atlantean” or “Aryan-Nordic” super race which spread across northern Europe. In essence, they considered Atlantis to be an ancestral homeland of the Caucasian race.
Recommended Reading
If you want to continue exploring the subject of Atlantis more deeply, you can see which books I recommend by clicking here.