The root chakra is the foundation of our chakra system, and it is important to continually nurture this energy center. In this article, we are going to look at how we can heal and balance our root...
Category: Eastern
A blocked root chakra is a very serious matter, which can significantly impact a person’s life. In this article we are going to explore the symptoms of a blocked root chakra, so that you know what...
Who is more powerful? Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu? There are 18 Puranas (a genre of Indian literature that keeps the record of Hindu mythology, legends, and traditional lore, etc.) in Hindu scriptures,...
Third eye and kundalini awakening are some of the more revered and exotic concepts that comes from eastern philosophy. This article is going to explain what third eye awakening is, and look at the...
The sixth chakra is commonly referred to as the third eye, but it also has another lesser known name. There is also the Sanksrit name for this energy center, and this article is going to explore the...
You may have seen the third eye chakra symbol and recognized the richness of meaning contained within it. This article will explore in detail all of the parts of the third eye chakra symbol and what...