Sacral Chakra Healing: What Are The Benefits?

The second chakra, also referred to as the sacral chakra, has rightfully been given a lot of attention in recent times because of the important role it plays in our relationships and emotions. In this article we are going to answer the question: What are the benefits of healing the sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra represents duality and flow, and is the energy center of sexuality, emotions, sensation, pleasure, connection, and movement. By healing the sacral chakra we can experience the benefits of increased sensuality and creativity, as well as the possibility for deeper intimacy and improved emotional calm.

Benefits of a Healthy Sacral Chakra

By working on healing our sacral chakras, we can can begin to experience the ripple effect it has in our lives. You can expect to experience the following by healing your sacral chakra:


A healthy sacral chakra means you will experience and express heightened sensuality. This can manifest in your love life, as well as in normal day-to-day moments. Others will take notice as your mannerisms, movements, and presence will seem to have an extra glow of sensuality.


The sacral chakra is deeply involved in your creativity, and by healing your sacral chakra you can expect greater creativity. Whatever this means to you, whether it is expressed through your art, or however your personal creativity flows, by healing your sacral chakra you will experience greater creativity.


A healthy sacral chakra means that your intimate needs are fulfilled. A person with a blocked sacral chakra will struggle to find a lover, while someone who’s sacral chakra is too open may experience having excess in this area. For those already in a relationship, the intimate connection with your partner will become deepened and made even more enjoyable.

Emotional Calm

Our emotions are connected to the sacral chakra, and when our sacral chakra is closed, we become unemotional and cold. When it’s too open we become overreactive and are at the mercy of sways of our feelings, unable to control them. But with a healthy sacral chakra we experience the right balance of emotional calmness while still deeply feeling the experience of life.

What Does the Sacral Chakra Represent?

The sacral chakra is located just above the root chakra, and builds and expands upon the root energies. While the root represents earth, stillness, solidity and one, the sacral chakra is all about the element of water, and duality. It is the energy center of relationships, pleasure, and sexuality. In the sacral chakra an awareness of difference rather than unity emerges, as does a recognition of otherness. Through the process of connecting with others we experience desire, emotions, and sexuality.

The sacral chakra has the qualities of water. It is all about flow, formlessness, fluidity, and surrender. This chakra is associated with the moon, who’s gravitational pulls the water on our planet in a rhythmic state of perpetual motion.  The moon is all about the unconscious, the mysterious, the dark and the feminine. The second chakra is a yin, or feminine chakra. The qualities of receptivity, emotions, and are expressed through it.

What is the Sacral Chakra Responsible For?

It is our craving to overcome our separateness and return to unity that sparks the perpetual dynamic of change. Change is the movement of life. Change is all about the forces of yin and yang interacting. They are the feminine and masculine, receptive and creative. All changes or fluctuation in our experience involve the constant interaction of these two polarized energies.

Duality seeks to return to unity, which is why opposites attract. The mutual attraction between opposites disrupts the stillness of unity. The sacral chakra is all about letting go and flowing. Flow is what allows connection to occur.

Movement exists throughout everything in the universe, including all matter and consciousness, and without it there would be only static emptiness. We experience this movement in all areas of our life as we physically move throughout the world, but also in the shifts in our thoughts and emotions. Movement causes pleasure, which leads to change and growth.

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen between the navel and the genitals. In women, the womb is located where the second chakra is. There is also a nerve ganglien called the sacral plexus in this location of the body. This ganglien connects to the sciatic nerve and is involved in many of the prime movement patterns of the human body.

The element of the second chakra is water, and it has a relationship with the liquid body functions such as blood circulation, urination, sexuality, and reproduction. Water adopts to what it encounters, never resisting yet gaining force as it flows.

The Sacral Chakra is Where the Yin and Yang Energies Meet

Within the main energy column of the chakras that runs through our bodies, known as sushumna, there are two alternate channels that control the yin and yang energies, called Ida and Pingala. Ida and Pingala twist around each other in a double helix type pattern, and meet at the second chakra and again in the 6th.

Ida and Pingala are part of a series of 1000s of subtle energy patterns in the body called nadis, which is Sanskrit for “flowing water”. Ida is associated with the moon, and Pingala represents the sun.

The movement of these two nadis feeds the spinning motion of the chakras. As energy moves upwards through Pingala, there is an equal opposite of flow downward through Ida. As they move between each chakra they cause them to spin in different directions. Each chakra spins in the opposite direction to the one above or below it.

The Sacral Chakra Symbol

The tantric symbol for Svadhisthana has six red petals. Inside of the symbol is a crescent moon, and an animal called a makara, which is like an alligator, and has a coiled tail, which alludes to kundalini energy. It is a water creature that represents desire and pure primal instinct.

The Sacral Chakra Sanskrit Name is Svadhisthana

Like all of the seven chakras, the energy center we commonly refer to as the sacral or second chakra also has a name in Sanskrit, which was the language of ancient India, and contains many interesting mystical properties.  The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Svadhisthana. It translates to “one’s own abode”. The beginning of the word “Svad” means “to taste with pleasure”.

Signs that Your Sacral Chakra Needs Healing

When the sacral chakra is in need of balancing, you will see its effects in your relationships. If your sacral chakra is overactive or too open the symptoms will be different than a deficient chakra.

Signs that Your Sacral Chakra is Overactive or Too Open

The following experiences will indicate that your sacral chakra is overactive:

Addiction to Pleasure

The inability to control cravings for sex, food and other forms of pleasure like gambling or shopping. Also drug and alcohol abuse.

Overly Emotionally Sensitive

An overactive sacral chakra can cause excessive responses to the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, especially romantic or sexual ones.

Codependent Behaviour

Excessive neediness and clinginess as a person with a overactive sacral chakra means the person will experience mental and emotional fluctuations and introduce them into their relationship.

Signs that Your Sacral Chakra is Deficient

These are some of the experiences will indicate that your sacral chakra is deficient:


A person with a closed or deficient sacral chakra can be detached and aloof when relating to others.

Emotional Coldness

An inability to express nurturing or affection, especially in familial or romantic relationships.

Sexual Frigidity or Low Libido

When a person is unwilling or lacking in desire to sexually connect with their partner. It may be for emotional reasons or the physical body is lacking in the conditions to produce the experience of lust.

Techniques For Healing the Sacral Chakra

Wether a sacral chakra is in need of opening or closing, or simply needs to be cleaned of the old energy and infused with new, there are many techniques to heal. In fact just the act of living means that we are constantly effecting our chakras through our actions and choices we make. But none the less finding the right blend of meditation, affirmations, healing foods, essential oils, and crystals will ensure that you are equipped to heal your sacral chakra.

Sacral Chakra Meditations

Work with the color orange when meditating to heal your second chakra. Think of it as an in-between step between the red of the root chakra, and the yellow of the third chakra. As you sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, visual this process of energy flowing from the root into bright orange light in your sacral, and yellow light flowing down from the third, blending with the red to form a brilliant shade of orange. Also, remember that the sacral chakra is all about flow, and meditating near water, or having a fountain in your medition area will help to align yourself with the proper energies to heal your sacral chakra.

Sacral Chakra Affirmations


“I attract the right relationships into my life”

“All of my romantic and sexual needs are fulfilled”

“I am desirable and my lover is blessed to be with me”

“I experience pleasure and all my desires are fulfilled”

“My emotions run free without controlling me”


Sacral Chakra Healing Foods

Since orange is the color of the second chakra, we want to feed it with orange foods. Fruits like melons, mangos, passionfruit, and oranges are great. Cinnamon, vanilla, and sesame seeds also nourish the sacral chakra.

Sacral Chakra Essential Oils

The following are all recommended for the sacral chakra. Explore and experiment to see which ones you like the best. There are no wrong answers, use your intuition to see which oils you personally respond the best to.

Ylang Ylang

Originally from India, it has many uses, including being an aphrodisiac.


With a strong floral aroma, rose is intoxicating and romantic, and stimulates connection.

Sweet Orange

It is extracted from the rind of the fruit we call oranges, also known as citrus sinesis. It is a mood enhancer as well as pleasant scent that can enhance a romantic environment.


This essential oil comes from the rind of the tangerine fruit, which likely originates in Southeast Asia. It’s sweet aroma contributes to feelings of happiness and contentment.


Patchouli is distilled from the leaves of the patchouli plant. It has a woody sweet and spicy aroma, and provides feelings of relaxation.


Produced from small flowers, it possesses anti-aging properties, as well as being highly stimulating and aromatic.

Sacral Chakra Healing Crystals


A beautiful golden orange color, amber comes from resin that oozed out of prehistoric trees and was fossilized. Throughout the ages it has been said that it cures impotence and frigidity, as well as aids female fertility and male potency.


Coral is all about the ocean, beauty, and renewal. It forms from the skeletons of marine animals. Use it to improve circulation and your sense of flow.


Found in many parts of the world including Brazil and the United States, carnelian was used by ancient cultures such as the Assyrians in their spiritual practices. A magnificent reddish-orange color, it boosts excitement, passion, and creativity.


Recommended Reading

If you want to continue exploring this subject more deeply, you can see which books I recommend by clicking here.

Everet Dee

Everet Dee is a writer and researcher with a passion for metaphysics, philosophy, hidden history, the occult, the esoteric, and religion.

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