While the name Hermes Trismegistus is never mentioned in the Bible, it is believed by some that he is actually in the Bible, but known by a different name.
Hermes Trismegistus was known in the Bible as Enoch, according to Hermetic philosophy. Hermes is an immortal being known to different cultures by different names, including Mercury during Roman times, and Enoch to the ancient Jews.
Like Hermes, Enoch also possesses divine wisdom, direct communication with God, and is a teacher to humanity.

Hermes Trismegistus was also Known as Enoch
This belief is based on the idea that the ancient Greek god Hermes and the biblical figure Enoch were actually the same person, who was later deified as the god Hermes Trismegistus.
According to this belief, Enoch was a wise and learned man who was so knowledgeable in the arts and sciences that he was taken up to heaven by God and became a god himself. This idea was particularly popular among alchemists, who saw Hermes Trismegistus as the patron of their craft and the source of their wisdom and knowledge.
The idea that Hermes and Enoch are the same figure can be traced back to the Hermetic texts of late antiquity, which were written in Greek and are considered to be some of the earliest and most important texts of the Hermetic tradition.
One of the key Hermetic texts that connects Hermes and Enoch is the “Corpus Hermeticum,” which is a collection of treatises that are attributed to the god Hermes Trismegistus. In these texts, Hermes Trismegistus is described as the founder of all wisdom and as the source of all knowledge of the natural world and the divine realm. You can read more about Hermes Trismegistus here.
In some of the Hermetic texts, Hermes Trismegistus is also identified with the biblical figure Enoch, and is described as having lived before the flood and having been taken directly into heaven by God. According to these texts, Enoch/Hermes was said to have passed down his wisdom and knowledge to humanity, and was considered to be the source of all esoteric and occult wisdom.
This idea of a connection between Hermes and Enoch was further developed by later Hermetic writers, who saw Hermes Trismegistus as a symbol of divine wisdom and as a source of guidance and inspiration for all seekers of truth.
Overall, the belief that Hermes and Enoch are the same figure is a central idea in Hermetic tradition and is considered to be one of the key foundations of Hermetic philosophy.
Enoch According to the Bible
Enoch is a figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis and the Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text that is not considered part of the canon of the Old Testament.
In the Bible, Enoch is described as the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah, and he is notable for being one of only two people in the Bible who did not die, but were taken directly into heaven by God. According to Genesis 5:24, “Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”

The Book of Enoch
In the Book of Enoch, Enoch is portrayed as a wise and righteous man who was chosen by God to be his messenger. The book describes Enoch’s travels to the heavens, where he is given visions of the future and is taught the secrets of the universe.
The Book of Enoch is an ancient Jewish text that was written in the second century BCE, although it purports to be a much older work attributed to the biblical figure Enoch, the father of Methuselah. The book is not considered part of the canon of the Old Testament and is not considered authoritative by mainstream Judaism or Christianity, but it has been highly regarded and widely studied by esoteric and hermetic traditions.
The Book of Enoch is a collection of texts that deal with a wide range of topics, including cosmology, angelology, demonology, eschatology, and morality. The book is structured as a series of revelations that Enoch receives during his travels through the heavens, and it provides a unique and highly imaginative perspective on the nature of the universe, the role of angels and demons, the fate of the soul after death, and the end of the world.
One of the key themes of the Book of Enoch is the idea of the corruption of the world and the need for repentance and transformation. The book describes the fall of the angels, who are said to have descended to earth and taken human wives, thereby introducing sin and corruption into the world. The book also describes a coming judgment, in which the wicked will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded.
Overall, the Book of Enoch is a complex and richly symbolic work that provides a unique and imaginative perspective on a wide range of topics that continue to be relevant and intriguing to many people today. Despite the fact that it is not considered part of the biblical canon, the Book of Enoch remains an important and influential text in many esoteric and Hermetic traditions. You can read more about the Book of Enoch here.
In addition to his role in the Bible and the Book of Enoch, Enoch is also mentioned in several other ancient Jewish and early Christian texts, and he has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation over the centuries. Despite the limited information about him in the Bible, Enoch has been an important figure in both Jewish and Christian traditions, and he continues to be the subject of much scholarly and theological debate.
The Similarities Between Hermes and Enoch
Hermes and Enoch have several things in common. Some key similarities between the two figures include:
Divine Wisdom: Both Hermes and Enoch are considered to be sources of divine wisdom and knowledge. Hermes is revered as the god of wisdom and the founder of all knowledge, while Enoch is seen as a major prophet who received visions and revelations from God.
Direct Communication with God: Both figures are said to have had a close relationship with God and to have communicated directly with the divine. Hermes is often described as a mediator between the gods and humanity, while Enoch is said to have “walked with God” and to have been taken directly into heaven without dying.
Role as Teachers: Both Hermes and Enoch are considered to be important teachers who passed on their wisdom and knowledge to humanity. Hermes is seen as the source of all esoteric and occult wisdom, while Enoch is described as having passed down his visions and revelations to his descendants and to the rest of humanity.
Similar Characteristics: In some Hermetic texts, Hermes and Enoch are described as having similar physical characteristics, such as a white beard, which further emphasizes their connection.
Enoch and Moses
The relationship between Enoch and Moses is a topic of much speculation and debate among scholars and theologians. Some see a direct connection between the two figures, while others view them as distinct and separate characters with different roles and significance.
One of the key reasons that some see a connection between Enoch and Moses is the fact that both figures play a significant role in Jewish and Christian traditions, and both are considered to be major prophets and leaders. Additionally, both figures are said to have received divine revelations and to have been chosen by God to play a key role in the history of the world.
Enoch and Moses are both considered major prophets and leaders, who according to Jewish and Christian tradition, received divine revelations and where chosen by God to play a key role in the history of world. You can read more about Moses leading the Israelites out of the dessert here.
In the biblical account, Enoch is described as a righteous man who “walked with God” and was taken directly into heaven without dying. Moses, on the other hand, is best known for leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

In some early Jewish and Christian texts, Enoch is described as the founder of astronomy and astrology, and is credited with passing down knowledge and wisdom to Moses and other important figures. According to these texts, Enoch was said to have been taken directly into heaven by God so that he could serve as a source of knowledge and guidance to the rest of humanity.
Overall, the relationship between Enoch and Moses is a complex and multifaceted one that has been the subject of much speculation and interpretation over the centuries. While there is no definitive answer, it is clear that both figures have had a significant impact on Jewish and Christian traditions and continue to play an important role in the religious and cultural imagination of many people today.
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